Craig Finn of The Hold Steady


Photo by James Goodwin

"If the next record is about whaling, you'll know where that came from."

Craig Finn takes it all in. The Hold Steady frontman is the kind of songwriter who absorbs everything he sees and hears, and right now that involves reading "Moby Dick." Finn is a voracious reader, demonstrating something I've always maintained: the best lyricists read a lot. So when he sits down to write, he's efficient: he writes quickly, usually giving himself 90 minutes to write four or five verses. Then he sets aside for a week, using fresh eyes in the revision process.

This is the second time I've interviewed Finn; the first time was in 2011. As runners, we talked both times about how exercise helps our creative process. In fact, I wrote an article in the Washington Post about the link between aerobic exercise and higher order thinking in which I quoted Finn.

Craig Finn's latest solo release is called A Legacy of Rentals.



Leah ChambersEp. 37