Matt Nathanson and Butch Walker


"I still have your cutlery, by the way," Butch Walker tells Matt Nathanson in this episode. Nathanson's latest album Boston Accent was produced by Walker. And while the two may have shared kitchen space and maybe even a kitchen utensil or two, their relationship in the studio worked because their creative processes were symbiotic: the limitation in one was offset by the complementary strength in the other.

That in itself doesn't necessarily make for a good working relationship. But the Nathanson/Walker combo was a success because of their self-awareness. As you’ll hear, each one knows what they’re good at and what they aren’t quite as good at. And they know it about the other one too.

This is the third time I’ve interviewed Nathanson. (Check out my 2021 interview with Nathanson and Julien Baker.)



Leah ChambersEp. 46