Walter Martin


Photo by Melissa Martin

“My songwriting ideas have to be organic. Otherwise, I can get too much in my head, and it comes from the wrong place.”

Walter Martin’s most efficient writing process involves not sitting down with the intent to create. Also: being hungover helps.

Like most songwriters tell me—Britt Daniel of Spoon was the last one—Martin does not sit down to write a song. “When that happens, it comes out the wrong way. I start to sound too smart or like poet,” he says. Instead, he’s writing all the time by constantly observing his surroundings. Song ideas come to Martin throughout the day, like when he’s mowing the lawn, and that’s when he whips out the phone to record those ideas. So when he finally sits down to write, there’s a wealth of source material.

Martin does find one state of mind to be especially productive: hungover. More than a few songwriters have told me that having a hangover is a great state of mind to write in. Most tell me that it’s because the pain gives them a sense of serenity. But Martin’s theory is pretty simple: the residual alcohol gives his head just enough looseness to spur his creativity.

Walter Martin’s latest album The Bear is out March 23.



Leah ChambersEp. 14